Planning a party for that one special day is a handful especially if you’re looking out to wow your loved one. Pulling off a birthday celebration is no easy feat, much like planning the event of the century. In planning a celebration, you can get engrossed into so many elements that at the end of the day, you just know where to start with your preparations. Take time to realize that the purpose of planning that birthday event and always go back to this. You’ll definitely figure out that it’s all about the celebrant and not about the grandness of the party. The more heartfelt planning is, the more your loved one will remember about everything you’ve been through just to organize this occasion.

Whatever effort you put into your planning would always reflect how much you value this given task. Do everything in the best way you can and hope and pray that everything goes well. As far as your plan specifics are concerned, just run through everything that you think you may need to organize the event and LIST it down. 

Make a list and Check it twice.

Your checklist must include everything you need to prepare this event. From guest lists to photography or video coverage, include every bit of detail that you feel is pertinent to the success of the celebration. Be intricate with details and include in your checklist options in case your plans would not be brought into fruition. Always have contingencies in your plans. 
Creating the Guest List

Remember to take care of your internal (celebrant) and external (guests) customers. Let the celebrant throw names of who he/she wants to be invited and then trim it down if needed. Be realistic with your resources. Work with the celebrant in sifting through the guest list and invite those who are intimately relevant to the celebrant. Avoid “waste of space” individuals. Even limit attendees with reserved seating if this is a big celebration. 
Sending out the Invitations

Make the invitations useful. Include maps if the place is not accessible to go through. Determine the best way to give it out. More intimate parties are done best with handed invitations. If you’re planning on saving trees, use recycled material or do everything electronically. Ideally, a feminine themed invitation (including colour schemes and images) are ideal for female celebrants. Use a tougher, manlier approach to designing invitations for male celebrants. Even with the text contents of the invitation, tailor-fit these to the celebrant. There are many birthday invitation templates that would surely fit your needs.

Photo Credit: Supersteph

Scout for a suitable venue

Whether at home or in a restaurant, make your venue conducive for the celebration. Choose a venue convenient for both the celebrant and the guests. Take note where your guests are coming from. At least suggest a venue which is a convergence point for everyone. Ideally somewhere in the middle to assure guests of coming over. Check if the space is enough for your proposed number of guests. Check audio and video requirements should you be playing videos or songs.
Plan the theme

Have a unique theme in mind? Make sure your venue and materials are able to pull off the look. Use reasonably priced materials and easy to make designs. It’s not how extravagant the theme is but what is suitable to the celebrant’s liking. Use colour schemes, designs, props and even music related to the theme.
Have Fun by Example

Plan fun-filled birthday party activities and lead the audience in participating. Be in the frontline of having fun and encourage others to join as well. Be candid and invoke your childlike spirit to help you in acting as catalyst in the fun-filled activities. Even for this day only that you show your wild yet wholesome side and invite others to do the same. 

Again, it doesn't matter how simple or complex your birthday party games would be. It’s how much fun your participants inject in doing such activities.

Feed the guests well 

Take note of any allergies, diets and preferences that guests may have. A good mix would be a viand of chicken, pork/beef or seafood plus dessert and appetizers. Suit your menu to the theme but also take note of the budget restrictions. Suggest would be mixing and matching cream, oil and sauce based dishes. If there are kids in the guest list choose a few kid friendly meals or order a separate menu for the young guests. Do your guests plan to have a little more fun? Choose cocktails and alcoholic beverages to be consumed in the latter hours. For adults only, that is.
Do the unexpected:  Surprise your celebrant with a gift

The surprise element adds to the drama of the celebration. Involve friends and loved ones of the celebrant in choosing a gift for him/her. Capitalize on the surprise by having someone very important to the celebrant hand it over. Want those butterflies in the stomach to act up? Let a school/office crush give it to the celebrant with heartfelt birthday greetings

Again, all these preparations are difficult, but can be achieved especially with the help of others. Don’t hog all the tasks. Involve friends and relatives of the celebrant in the planning stage. Remember, the more minds that are thinking, the better the ideas that will come. It’s good to have credit to a celebration and best the adulation with others. After all it’s not about the ones who prepared the party, but the one who they’re doing it for. 

Related Sources:

Time for lovers and couple – it’s Valentine’s Day! Celebrated on February 14th, this is one of the most-awaited events for many love partners and lovers. Air is filled with love and romance during this occasion. Girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, and wives are in the look for ideas and ways to make this day extra special for their partners. But nothing beats expressing your heartfelt feelings to your special someone. This can be done by expressing sweet nothings and romantic valentine’s messages and wishes to your loved ones. Here are some samples.

Be My Valentine Messages

For those who are longing for love this Valentine’s Day, here are some verses and wordings that will help you express how much you long for someone. It will also express your love towards your someone special.

I may not be perfect
I may not be qualified as prince charming
But my love is true
And my heart is longing for you
Please be my Valentine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Every beat of my heart is yours
Every thoughts of me is you
You will always be in my heart
You will always be in my mind
Please be my Valentine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I’m wishing from the stars above
Please let me have your love
I will always be true to you
I will always love you.
Be my Valentine

Valentine’s Day SMS and Text Messages

How about telling them how you feel with the use of cell phones and mobile phones? Today, we have what we call SMS (short messaging services). There are sms quotes that you can use to convey your message to your recipient instantly. Here are some valentine's day messages and sms you may want to use.

My love for you is
As sweet as candy
As lovely as roses
As special as you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

You will always be special in my heart
No one can ever tear us apart
You will always be my Valentine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Your beauty enchants me
Your charisma mesmerizes me
Your love makes me feel so alive
I am so happy you’re mine
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day Quotes

Quotes are also a good way to express your love. Some are humorous, some are fun, some are interesting, while some are inspiring. Choose what you want and use as your Valentine's Day messages.

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.
~ Charles M. Schulz

I love romance. I'm a sucker for it. I love it so much. It's pathetic.
~ Drew Barrymore

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.
~ Samuel Butler

Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.
~ Lord Byron

If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love.
~ Maya Angelou

Wedding Celebrations

Weddings are an event in life wherein involved can’t help but to be emotional and touching. Most of the time, touching moments and overwhelming emotions cannot be helped especially in the part of bride’s family. Words are not enough to express their feelings. But as an involved party, you can make the situation light, even just for a bit of minute or seconds. That is by uttering wedding congratulation messages that will convey your best wishes for the wedded couple.  

Wedding Wishes

It’s important to find the best wedding messages to express the joy and happiness on the wedding of a couple. However, most of the time, we are left clueless and in doubt of what to say on this particular occasion. If you’re having difficult time to think of the perfect wedding wishes, here are my suggestions that may help you.

My best wishes for both of you.
May the love brought you together remain forever.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Here are my warmest wedding wishes for the best couple I know
May you have a great and wonderful married life.
Best Wishes!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

May God shower you with tons of blessings
Today, tomorrow and forever.
Have a happy married life!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A cupful of trust
A pound of love
A tablespoonful of romance
A bag of faith
May the ingredients of a happy married life be yours.
Best Wishes!

Wedding Congratulation Messages

Wedding is one of the events that call for a celebration… and words of congratulation. wish many happy returns to the couple on their wedding day with these congratulatory wedding wishes.

Here’s wishing you the best for your married life.
Enclosed are our warm prayers and heartfelt wishes
Congratulations to your wedding!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I wish you both to be happy
You deserve it.
Congratulations on your wedding!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Humor, romance, love and understanding
May you have all these on your marriage journey
Congratulations for both of you!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Joy that never lasts
Love that never dies
Romance that never fades
These are my wishes for both of you.

Wedding Card Messages

Words are harder to express when you directly say it to your recipient. Things are different if you will write down your wishes. How about in a form of wedding card? Here are some ideas of wedding card greetings.

If two stand shoulder to shoulder against the gods, happy together, the gods themselves are helpless against them while they stand so. ~ Maxwell Anderson

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Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity. - Kahlil Gibran

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A wedding is a start of togetherness... of walks in the rain, basking in the sunshine, shared meals, caring for one another and sensing the love that a marriage carries. ~ Unknown

Birthdays will always be special and wonderful day to celebrate. It is the day when we commemorate one’s birth date. We throw a party and celebration, invite friends and relatives to join the fun and make the celebrant’s happy in his/her big day. Aside from gifts and cakes, another way to make our celebrant feel extra special is through greeting him/her a warm happy birthday. It’s a great option to express your love, care and appreciation towards the person who celebrates his/her birthday. For ideas for birthday messages, you may refer to the samples below:

Short Birthday Messages

Birthday greetings don’t have to be long and rhythmical. For as long as it conveys your feelings and the specific message, you’re good to go. Here are some samples of happy birthday wishes, in which most of them are one liner.

  • May all of your dreams come true. Happy birthday to you!
  • Happy birthday to the most gorgeous, humblest and kindest person I know.
  • You’ve been such a great friend. Thank you and Happy Birthday!
  • Celebrate this day with your family and people close to your heart. Happy Birthday!
  • To the most wonderful person I’ve known, best wishes on your birthday!
  • May you reap the fruits of your hardwork soon. Happy Birthday.
  • May God look upon you and shower you with lots of blessings. Have a great birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages

May God always be by your side
To guide you, to support to you, to shower you with graces
Happy Birthday!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

My life has been happier and better when I met you
Being such a great person, you deserve only the best
Best wishes for you on your birthday!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

There must be a lot of people greeting you Happy Birthday
That’s not surprising as you’ve been such a good and kind person
A lot of people love you. That includes me.
Happy Birthday!

Birthday Card Messages

If you are clueless on what to write in a birthday card, you maybe need some ideas to freshen your mind. I hope below samples can help you come up with the best and sweetest happy birthday messages for the celebrant.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
On your birthday,
I wish all of your dreams come true
Happy Birthday

* * * * * * * * * * * *

On your birthday, I have nothing more to wish for,
But a life filled of joy and love
Have a blissful birthday!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Enjoy this day with the ones dear to your heart
I wish that your get all your heart’s desires
Have fun on your birthday!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I wish you to have the most wonderful and happiest birthday
May God shower you with loads of graces and blessings
Happy Birthday!

Birthday Quotes and Sayings

If you’re completely run out of ideas, you may want to use quotes and sayings as your birthday card greetings. Here are some of the selected birthday quotes you may use.

  • Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter  ~ Jack Benny
  • Men are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age ~ C.E.M. Joad
  • To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age ~ Thomas B. Aldric
  • You're not aging....You're marinating ~ Anonymous
  • Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.~ Tom Wilson